
Sponsor Sovereign Minds 2024

Overall Sponsorship Benefits:

The Sovereign Minds 2024 Conference is bringing together global thought leaders, innovators, and enthusiasts in the Bitcoin, Psychedelic, Wellness and related fields. This one-day event is a unique opportunity for financial services, technology companies, other related businesses to showcase their brands, engage with an influential audience, and align with the cutting edge of digital finance.

Why Sponsor the Sovereign Minds 2024 Conference?

Sponsoring Sovereign Minds provides unparalleled access to a dedicated audience of industry leaders, investors, developers, and early adopters. As a sponsor, your brand will be prominently featured throughout the event, ensuring maximum visibility and engagement. You’ll also have the opportunity to connect with attendees through speaking opportunities, networking sessions, and exhibitor spaces.

Networking Opportunities:

  • Exclusive access to networking sessions with keynote speakers, industry leaders, and VIP attendees.
  • Opportunity to host or sponsor a dedicated networking event or VIP lounge.

Content and Engagement:

  • Potential to participate in or sponsor a keynote session, panel discussion, or workshop.
  • Opportunity to include branded content in attendee bags or through digital channels.

Brand Visibility:

  • Your logo will be prominently displayed on all event materials, including the website, banners, programs, and digital promotions.
  • Recognition in all press releases, social media campaigns, and email newsletters leading up to and following the event.
  • Access to the attendee list (subject to privacy laws) for post-event marketing and follow-ups.



  • Access to post-event attendee list.
  • Title sponsor recognition: “Sovereign Minds 2024 Conference presented by [Your Company].”
  • Premium logo placement on all event materials and top billing on the website.
  • Exclusive keynote speaking opportunity (subject to approval).
  • VIP booth space in a prime location with double the standard size.
  • 10 complimentary conference tickets.
  • Branded content in all attendee bags.
  • Full-page ad in the event program.
  • Recognition as the sponsor of the VIP lounge or networking event.



  • Prominent logo placement on event materials and the website.
  • Speaking opportunity on a panel or breakout session.
  • Prime booth space near high-traffic areas.
  • VIP booth space in a prime location with double the standard size.
  • 5 complimentary conference tickets.
  • Half-page ad in the event program.
  • Sponsor recognition for one of the key conference sessions or lunch break.
  • Access to the post-event attendee list.



  • Logo placement on event materials and the website.
  • Standard booth space in the exhibitor area.
  • Premium logo placement on all event materials and top billing on the website.
  • 2 complimentary conference tickets.
  • Quarter-page ad in the event program
  • Sponsor recognition for a coffee break or session
  • Access to the post-event attendee list.